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Text File | 1994-05-01 | 77.5 KB | 2,010 lines |
- Message #3 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 14:18
- From: Jason Linefsky
- To: All
- Subj: necormancers cave
- Next Reply is Message #12
- Is there anybody who thinks that they can help me. Please tell me what to
- do.
- I am currently following the path of the necromancers, and can't go any
- further. I walked into a room with a stone throne, and I was transported to
- the cave I am in. In the northeast section of the cave there is an empty
- trapped chest and a dead body with dirt and an executioners head on it. In
- the southeast there is armor and a bag. When you head west you pass two
- spitters and end up with a lake of lava in front of you. What do I do, where
- do I go? If you think your smart enough to answer this please write me
- back with the answer. I know someone out there has to know the answer.
- Message #5 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 14:33
- From: Brian Plexico
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Pyros
- Next Reply is Message #31
- More: [Y]/N/C?
- Can you tell me how to get to the fire Titan? I've done the air and earth
- plots, and I'm in the middle of doing the Hydros plot but I can't find the
- fire Titan to stop the storms??
- Also when I use the Air thing on the Air Titan the game locks up on me..
- Is that supposed to happen or is it a lock up?? I have 8megs ram and a 486
- 66 with 2meg smartdrv cache and the rest Extended memory. Thanks for any
- help you can give me.
- Brian Plexico
- Message #7 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 14:42
- From: Ken Atkinson
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: After Intering
- Next Reply is Message #32
- Hi again. I've just intered Lithion ( the former necromancer) and
- have been informed that I have to make a pilgrimage. Where do I go and who
- do I have to see? Do I have to go to the pit of doom, what signs do I
- follow?
- You're help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
- Message #12 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 15:17
- More: [Y]/N/C? From: Brendan Lai
- To: Jason Linefsky
- Subj: Re: necormancers cave
- Previous Reply is Message #3. Next Reply is Message #86
- if you head to the lava lake, you jump across to the other side. once there
- you'll see a block will litho's sign. jump to the sign and you'll get
- transported to the next level.
- Message #13 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 15:21
- From: Brendan Lai
- To: All
- Subj: G-Kor's cave
- Next Reply is Message #33
- I need help on G-Kor's cave. I have talked to the 3 statues but I still
- can't get into the cave. I picked up the key by the skeleton but it
- doesn't work on the door. And how do I start on the Water trials?? I have
- become an acolypte but after that nothing happens.....
- Message #14 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 15:25
- From: Rob Johnston
- To: All
- Subj: Fire Titan
- Next Reply is Message #34
- More: [Y]/N/C?
- Help! I have gotten the Heart of Earth and Breath of Wind... I have talked
- to Hydros and freed her... Also, Devion wont give me the Tear of teh Sea (or
- wahtever)... But I cannot find the path to the fire portion of the game! I
- know of a place with two double doors where one goes up when the other goes
- down, but when I got there and pulled the lever once, the lever broke... I
- really hope that thats not the way to the fire titan, because it won't let
- me pull the lever any more... Anyways any help would be appreciated!
- RobJ
- Message #15 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 15:32
- From: Steven Burns
- To: All
- Subj: Double Doors
- Next Reply is Message #35
- Can anyone tell me how to get to the double doors that I need to create a
- golem to get through. I am in the catacombs/tomb and have been wandering
- around forever, but I just keep going in circles. I found it once and I
- thought it was by the locked door that says something like "travel to your
- fate", but now I'm lost.
- Any help would be graetly appreciated.
- Steven Burns
- Message #16 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- More: [Y]/N/C? Date: 13-Apr-94 15:45
- From: Sam Vertz
- To: All
- Subj: I'm stupid and cant get the Necromancer's dagger.
- Next Reply is Message #36
- Please help i can't find the key i need to open the door in Mordreas
- room to get to the treasure chest to supposedly get the dagger for the
- necromancer. If anyone can tell me where to find either the right keys or
- more keys please do. Also where is some good armor. Also is 25 as high as
- your abilities will go?
- Message #17 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 15:07
- From: Pat Dietz
- To: All
- Subj: Necro spells
- Next Reply is Message #18
- Can anyone tell me how to cast the first two spells the necromancers give
- you in the necromancers caves. I've got the reagents, I;ve tried using the
- key on the bag,I've tried putting them in my hands but nothing happens. I'm
- talkiong about Death Mask and Stone skin spells.
- More: [Y]/N/C?
- Message #18 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 15:58
- From: Jason Gillman
- To: Pat Dietz
- Subj: Re: Necro spells
- Previous Reply is Message #17. Next Reply is Message #20
- Okay, to cast the death speak spell, put ONE pile of bones and ONE vial of
- blood in a bag, then double click on the key of the caretaker, You MUST have
- this to cast necromancer spells, you get it from Vividos, in the cemetary,
- then a cross-hairs pops up, click on the bag, viola a drama-esque mask, then
- when you want to use it, double click on the token, and cross-hairs pop up,
- then click with that on the dead necro you want to speak with.
- To use the open earth spell, you put the regeants in the bag, make sure
- you're only using the right regeants AND that you only put ONE in then
- double click on the key of the caretaker then on the bag, instant open earth
- token, but you can only use this at certain places...Good luck
- Message #19 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 16:02
- From: Jason Gillman
- To: All
- Subj: Lithos?
- More: [Y]/N/C? Next Reply is Message #58
- Here's the problem: I can't seem to find him, I reached the stone cove,
- passed through the light beam room, opened the door, jumped around on a ton
- of disappearing platforms and finally reached a solid area that leads
- nowhere, closest thing I can find ia teleporter that takes me back, in the
- shape of a rune, where am I supposed to go from here? Do I need to kill the
- troll? Help!!
- Message #20 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 16:28
- From: Pat Dietz
- To: Jason Gillman
- Subj: Re: Necro spells
- Previous Reply is Message #18. Next Reply is Message #61
- >JG Okay, to cast the death speak spell, put ONE pile of bones and ONE
- No I can cast those, the ones I am having trouble with are the Death Mask
- and Stone Skin spells you learn in the necromancer caves.
- Message #21 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 17:17
- From: Noah Haskell
- To: Dan Orzulak
- More: [Y]/N/C? Subj: Ultima 8: Is it working right?
- Next Reply is Message #37
- This is the second letter I have written you and I am assuming my first got
- destroyed by the virus. I am curious as to weather or not my ultima 8 copy
- is working correctly. I purchased the CD to HD version of the game because
- of the fact that the speech pak was included in the price, But the only
- speech I get is the guardian everytime I save telling me how great he is.
- Is this all the speech there is or is there more to come. If that is it
- then you probably have many unhappy fans who may pay twenty bucks extra for
- near nothing.
- Another problem I have is in the initial load of the game. I get a
- soild black screen for nearly 10 to 15 seconds. This is highly unusal
- because I have a 486/66 with a VLB motherboard and a SCSI hard drive. Is
- this game really that powerful? Finaly, There is no Intro to the game, I
- just wake up next to a guy fishing, What ever happened to Ultima's world
- famous long drawn out graphical intro's. If I was new to Ultima I probably
- would have returned the game after the first half hour, but because I am a
- true fan I am willing to endure and pursue! I would GREATLY appreciate a
- response!
- P.S. I think it's time to get some more nodes of your system, I NEVER get
- through, only get past the busy signal about 5% of the time!
- More: [Y]/N/C?
- Message #23 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 17:22
- From: Michael Hauck
- To: All
- Subj: stuck on pilgrimage
- Next Reply is Message #38
- Can someone help me? I am on the pilgrimage specified by the
- necromancer and have run into a dead end. I have gone through the door with
- the plaque that says something about fate. From there, I have used the open
- ground spell to go deeper into the maze. After jumping across a pool of
- water, I end up in a room with a bunch of "rolling shperes". I have no idea
- where to go. Along the way I have passed a few locked doors but have found
- no keys for them. Any ideas?
- Message #24 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 16:58
- From: Jeb Dunn
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Sercerors
- Next Reply is Message #29
- Devon told me to go to the Sorcerors to see if they could help to trap
- Hydros. He said across the river of lava in the catacombs. Well, could you
- please tell me how to get there?
- More: [Y]/N/C?
- Message #25 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 17:38
- From: Andrew Blix
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: help!
- Next Reply is Message #30
- I just bought the CD to HD version of Pagan the other day and I am completely
- lost. I have never played an Ultima game before, and would appreciate a few
- hints at the start. For example, I don't know whether or not I am supposed
- to steal junk or try to buy it. I also don't know what items I should be
- carrying, and how to fight, or for that matter, why to fight. I have been
- wandering around and I just entered a catacomb type cave at the north of
- Tenebrae and fell into a pit with a scroll. I don't know how to get out of
- the pit or even if I'm supposed to BE in the pit. Also, how do I get spells
- and open locked doors and become a better fighter? I would appreciate any
- help you could offer. Thanks!
- Andrew Blix
- Message #29 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 17:48
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Jeb Dunn
- Subj: Re: Sercerors
- More: [Y]/N/C? Previous Reply is Message #24.
- Hey Jeb,
- >JD Devon told me to go to the Sorcerors to see if they could help to
- >JD trap Hydros. He said across the river of lava in the catacombs.
- >JD Well, could you please tell me how to get there?
- You will need to return to Stone Cove and go to Daemon's Crag, the very last
- entrance after Carthax. You will then be in the lava tubes.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #30 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 17:51
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Andrew Blix
- Subj: Re: help!
- Previous Reply is Message #25.
- Hey Andrew,
- >AB I just bought the CD to HD version of Pagan the other day and I am
- >AB completely lost. I have never played an Ultima game before, and
- More: [Y]/N/C? >AB would appreciate a few hints at the start. For example, I don't know
- >AB whether or not I am supposed to steal junk or try to buy it. I also
- >AB don't know what items I should be carrying, and how to fight, or for
- >AB that matter, why to fight. I have been wandering around and I just
- >AB entered a catacomb type cave at the north of Tenebrae and fell into a
- >AB pit with a scroll. I don't know how to get out of the pit or even if
- >AB I'm supposed to BE in the pit. Also, how do I get spells and open
- >AB locked doors and become a better fighter? I would appreciate any
- >AB help you could offer. Thanks!
- YOu won't learn magic until later in the game, it is part of the plot. If
- you don't know how to fight, you should look in the owners manual for the
- game, it is all explained in there. As for why you should fight, it will
- build up your strength as well as some of the things you kill will be
- carrying valuable items. If you listened to what Devon told you, you need
- to go to the docks and watch the murder, he also says to contact Bentic in
- the library which is in east Tenebrea. Just listen to what people tell you
- and you should be ok.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #31 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- More: [Y]/N/C? Date: 13-Apr-94 18:03
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Brian Plexico
- Subj: Re: Pyros
- Previous Reply is Message #5.
- Hey Brian,
- >BP Can you tell me how to get to the fire Titan? I've done the air
- >BP and earth plots, and I'm in the middle of doing the Hydros plot but I
- >BP can't find the fire Titan to stop the storms??
- You will need to return to Stone Cove, and go to Daemon's Crag past Carthax.
- This is the beginning of the Lava tunnels and the Fire Plot.
- >BP Also when I use the Air thing on the Air Titan the game locks up
- >BP on me.. Is that supposed to happen or is it a lock up?? I have 8megs
- >BP ram and a 486 66 with 2meg smartdrv cache and the rest Extended
- >BP memory. Thanks for any help you can give me.
- >BP Brian Plexico
- You may want to try creating an XMS boot disk as per the install guide.
- Also if you installed with Smartdrv enabled, it can corrupt files. If you
- More: [Y]/N/C? did install with smartdrv enabled, I would suggest re-installing after
- booting with the boot disk.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #32 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:09
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Ken Atkinson
- Subj: Re: After Intering
- Previous Reply is Message #7. Next Reply is Message #70
- Hey Ken,
- >KA Hi again. I've just intered Lithion ( the former
- >KA necromancer) and have been informed that I have to make a pilgrimage.
- >KA Where do I go and who do I have to see? Do I have to go to the pit
- >KA of doom, what signs do I follow?
- >KA You're help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
- Have you gone to the Hall of the Mountain King? If not then you will need
- to go to Stone Cove, which is in the far south east corner of the upper
- catacombs just past where you fall through the floor to find the
- More: [Y]/N/C? Necromancers. There is a door there you must go through, then once you are
- through the door, head immediately south go all the way south. You will come
- to an area with a gate that slides up after some stalagtites drop down, flip
- the lever and go through the gate. This is Stone Cove, you will need to
- cast create golem on the dirt in front of the double doors. Then go through
- the double doors and you are on the way to the Mountain King.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #33 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:10
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Brendan Lai
- Subj: Re: G-Kor's cave
- Previous Reply is Message #13. Next Reply is Message #50
- Hey Brendan,
- >BL I need help on G-Kor's cave. I have talked to the 3 statues but I
- >BL still
- >BL can't get into the cave. I picked up the key by the skeleton but it
- >BL doesn't work on the door. And how do I start on the Water trials?? I
- >BL have become an acolypte but after that nothing happens.....
- More: [Y]/N/C?
- You need to get the cerimonial shield and place it in front of the statues.
- The Water plot starts after you have done the AIR plot, have you done that
- yet? If so, tell me everything you did in the air plot.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #34 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:12
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Rob Johnston
- Subj: Re: Fire Titan
- Previous Reply is Message #14. Next Reply is Message #69
- Hey Rob,
- >RJ Help! I have gotten the Heart of Earth and Breath of Wind... I have
- >RJ talked to Hydros and freed her... Also, Devion wont give me the Tear
- >RJ of teh Sea (or wahtever)... But I cannot find the path to the fire
- >RJ portion of the game! I know of a place with two double doors where
- More: [Y]/N/C? >RJ one goes up when the other goes down, but when I got there and pulled
- >RJ the lever once, the lever broke... I really hope that thats not the
- >RJ way to the fire titan, because it won't let me pull the lever any
- >RJ more... Anyways any help would be appreciated!
- Go back to Stone Cove and head past Carthax to get to Daemon's Crag. This
- is the start of the fire plot.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #35 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:16
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Steven Burns
- Subj: Re: Double Doors
- Previous Reply is Message #15. Next Reply is Message #72
- Hey Steven,
- >SB Can anyone tell me how to get to the double doors that I need to
- >SB create a golem to get through. I am in the catacombs/tomb and have
- >SB been wandering around forever, but I just keep going in circles. I
- >SB found it once and I thought it was by the locked door that says
- More: [Y]/N/C? >SB something like "travel to your fate", but now I'm lost.
- >SB Any help would be graetly appreciated.
- >SB Steven Burns
- You need to go to Stone Cove. Go past the room with no roof that you fall
- through the floor to get to the Necros. And head for the far southeast
- corner of the upper catacombs. There will be a door by a bunch of skeletons,
- go through the door and head immediately south. Go all the way south and
- flip the lever to get through the gate after the stalagtites fall. Then go
- through the gate, and you are in Stone Cove. Right in front of the double
- doors is the ground you need to create golem on.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #36 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:17
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Sam Vertz
- Subj: Re: I'm stupid and cant get the Necromancer's dagger.
- Previous Reply is Message #16. Next Reply is Message #73
- Hey Sam,
- More: [Y]/N/C? >SV Please help i can't find the key i need to open the door in
- >SV Mordreas room to get to the treasure chest to supposedly get the
- >SV dagger for the necromancer. If anyone can tell me where to find
- >SV either the right keys or more keys please do. Also where is some
- >SV good armor. Also is 25 as high as your abilities will go?
- You will need to talk to Arimina to get the key to Mordea's chest and
- closet.
- Then if you look under the pillow in Mordea's throne room, you will find the
- key to her bedroom.
- 25 is as high as your attributes go.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #37 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:27
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Noah Haskell
- Subj: Re: Ultima 8: Is it working right?
- Previous Reply is Message #21.
- Hey Noah,
- More: [Y]/N/C? >NH This is the second letter I have written you and I am assuming my
- >NH first got destroyed by the virus. I am curious as to weather or not
- >NH my ultima 8 copy is working correctly. I purchased the CD to HD
- >NH version of the game because of the fact that the speech pak was
- >NH included in the price, But the only speech I get is the guardian
- >NH everytime I save telling me how great he is. Is this all the speech
- >NH there is or is there more to come. If that is it then you probably
- >NH have many unhappy fans who may pay twenty bucks extra for near
- >NH nothing.
- Well, actually you will get speech from the Guardian taunting you, and all
- of the major plot people, like Lithos. The enhanced CD will have full speech
- and the add-on included. Understand that the enhanced version takes EXTRA
- programming therefore extra time, and the only reason we released this on a
- CD to install to the hard-drive at the same time the disk version was
- released, was because our CUSTOMERS requested it.
- >NH Another problem I have is in the initial load of the game. I
- >NH get a soild black screen for nearly 10 to 15 seconds. This is highly
- >NH unusal because I have a 486/66 with a VLB motherboard and a SCSI hard
- >NH drive. Is this game really that powerful? Finaly, There is no Intro
- >NH to the game, I just wake up next to a guy fishing, What ever happened
- >NH to Ultima's world famous long drawn out graphical intro's. If I was
- More: [Y]/N/C? >NH new to Ultima I probably would have returned the game after the first
- >NH half hour, but because I am a true fan I am willing to endure and
- >NH pursue! I would GREATLY appreciate a response!
- You may or may not get an intro if you are using QEMM. If you want to see
- the intro, you will need to create an XMS boot disk as per the install guide
- instructions.
- I understand your frustration about having to leave another message, however
- it is not Origin's fault that the message base was destroyed. You may want
- to express your concern ALL in the general message area, so that the person
- who uploaded the VIRUS will not do it again. We run a Virus scan every day
- on the board, however a virus can always slip through, which is what
- happened in this case. And short of requiring people to request access
- before uploading something, the only thing you or I can do is express our
- anger towards the person who uploaded the virus in the first place.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #38 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:34
- From: Dan Orzulak
- More: [Y]/N/C? To: Michael Hauck
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #23. Next Reply is Message #56
- Hey Michael,
- >MH Can someone help me? I am on the pilgrimage specified by the
- >MH necromancer and have run into a dead end. I have gone through the
- >MH door with the plaque that says something about fate. From there, I
- >MH have used the open ground spell to go deeper into the maze. After
- >MH jumping across a pool of water, I end up in a room with a bunch of
- >MH "rolling shperes". I have no idea where to go. Along the way I have
- >MH passed a few locked doors but have found no keys for them. Any
- >MH ideas?
- You will need to go to the building where a plaque reads "Toward Fate You Do
- Travel". Also, on the south side there is a plaque reading "Don't Look
- Now".
- Use the key Scion to open this door and then enter. Go down stairs and west
- across the lava until the passage turns north. At this location there is a
- dead body with a book that talks about Zealans and their Ceremonial Shield.
- Go north, through the door and continue in the that direction PAST some
- rolling spike balls, and a double-door on the WEST wall. Then head EAST,
- follow it in that direction until the passage breaks off into a Three way
- More: [Y]/N/C? split. Go west, the way you came from, North to a fenced in area, and East
- to a square room with a locked door on the North wall, and five levers with
- a chest in the center.
- If you need further help, let me know.
- Layterz,
- Jerm..
- Message #39 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:57
- From: Todd Dick
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Hydros+
- Next Reply is Message #87
- I was the Master of the sorcerers and then freed Devon and he told me
- that the sorcerers would help me recapture Hydros. I was told that in order
- for them to help I had to free Devon before I met the sorcerers, so I went
- back to a previous save game. When I talked to the sorcerers they said
- nothing about capturing Hydros. Please tell me exactly what I must do in
- either save game (in the later save I have the Tear and the Tongue).
- I also want to know how to learn the spell Quakes. I found the scroll
- but it says I need to hear the spell from Lothian's lips.
- Thanks,
- More: [Y]/N/C? Todd
- P.S.-Do you know if there is another way to get the reagents bat wing,
- dragon blood, serpent scale, and eye of newt beside buying them from
- Mythran(they are expensive)?
- P.P.S.- Where is Kilandra's daughter?
- Message #40 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 19:08
- From: Todd Dick
- To: All
- Subj: pilgrimage
- If there is no Morien's birthplace how do I complete the pilgrimage
- Vividos sent me on?
- Thanks,
- Todd
- Message #41 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 18:39
- From: Matthew Bastek
- To: All
- Subj: What the heck?
- This is my first time writing a message on this BBS, so forgive me if I did
- something wrong. My problem is with "PAGAN". I did the Necromancers quest
- (except for the birthplace or Moriens' thing), I climbed the wall to
- Kumash-Gor's tomb using some skeleton parts (so I cheated) and used the
- More: [Y]/N/C? teleport disk to get out. I've also released Hydros, but never talked to her.
- right now I'm stuck on the Theurgist part, I can't find Xavier's Foci. I
- think I know who has it, but I can't get it from him (Torwin). Now I know I
- shouldn't have cheated so much (I climbed all over the place in the
- catacombs), but does this mean I did something wrong? I can't get past this
- Theurgist thing, and I'm worried that I'm doing things in the wrong order
- because I was cheating. Please help.
- Message #49 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 20:04
- From: John Parmley
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: necromancer fun
- Next Reply is Message #92
- I'mI I hope you can help me. It is hard to know if I am on the right track
- after reading everyone's messages. I talked to the last necromancer, went to
- stone cove, through the double doors and got as far as the blue
- light/mushroom area. I got through the next door and can go either north or
- south to pools of water with floating rocks. I really hate those things.
- Where do I go from there. Do I cross the north pool or the south pool or
- neither (Don't I wish).
- DOn't get me wrong, this is a great game but some of the arcade type
- aspects are kind of a pain in the butt. Especially when it takes so long (on
- More: [Y]/N/C? my machine anyway) to load or save a game. Thanks in advance for the help
- Message #50 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 20:15
- From: Brendan Lai
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Re: G-Kor's cave
- Previous Reply is Message #33. Next Reply is Message #54
- I placed the shield in front of the statues but the door behind is stil
- locked. Where's the key?? The key by the skeleton doesn't fit either. For
- the air plot, I have taken the breath of air and freed Hydro. What next?? I
- went to the socerers and had a failed attempt to get info from
- Pyros. Do i have to kill the Master to get the tongue of fire??
- Message #52 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 20:26
- From: Eric Levin
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Mythran
- Next Reply is Message #94
- How come when I buy reagents from Mythran they keep disappearing???
- How do you cast the Thaumaturgical spells?
- Thanks, Eric
- More: [Y]/N/C?
- Message #53 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 13-Apr-94 21:15
- From: Nathan Day
- To: All
- Subj: Lots of stuff
- Ok I heard that there was a place were there is lots of stuff like
- the deciver, gorgns fang and a ton of other stuff. I thought it was by the
- torture chair in the stone cove place but I cant seem to find. If anybody
- knows were it is can they please tell me
- Thanx
- Nate
- Message #54 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 20:52
- From: David Golden
- To: Brendan Lai
- Subj: Re: G-Kor's cave
- Previous Reply is Message #50. Next Reply is Message #57
- I seemed to have done things in a backwards kind of way. I did the water plot
- before the air plot and some other things that I don't think I should have
- been able to do. If you want to get past the doors after you have placed the
- shield down, do what I did to get there in the first place. I created a
- golem to open every door to get there. The golem will even open those
- doors. It uses alot of reagents but it works.
- Message #56 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 13-Apr-94 23:08
- From: Michael Hauck
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #38. Next Reply is Message #59
- >DO You will need to go to the building where a plaque reads "Toward Fate
- >DO You Do Travel". Also, on the south side there is a plaque reading
- >DO "Don't Look Now".
- >DO Use the key Scion to open this door and then enter. Go down stairs
- >DO and west across the lava until the passage turns north. At this
- >DO location there is a dead body with a book that talks about Zealans
- >DO and their Ceremonial Shield. Go north, through the door and continue
- >DO in the that direction PAST some rolling spike balls, and a
- >DO double-door on the WEST wall. Then head EAST, follow it in that
- >DO direction until the passage breaks off into a Three way split. Go
- >DO west, the way you came from, North to a fenced in area, and East to a
- >DO square room with a locked door on the North wall, and five levers
- >DO with a chest in the center.
- >DO If you need further help, let me know.
- >DO
- >DO Layterz,
- >DO Jerm..
- >DO
- Thanx for the reply, but I am stuck a little bit farther than where
- you left off in your message. The "rolling spheres" I am talking about are
- the little red, green, and blue ones that are past the fence puzzle area,
- which is right before the five levers. My present location is the area
- around the cerimonial shield. I have read the book about the Zealans and
- have seen the cerimonial shield, which is right around the corner from the
- "rolling spheres" room. So my questions are the following: what are the
- rolling spheres for, how do I get the cerimonial shield, and how do I open
- all the locked doors I have seen in the area around the shield? I look
- forward to your response.
- Michael Hauck
- Message #57 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 00:38
- From: Steve Holmes
- To: Brendan Lai
- Subj: Re: G-Kor's cave
- Previous Reply is Message #54. Next Reply is Message #71
- all you have to do is use the scroll with the secret door spell on it, and it
- will unlock the door for you.
- Message #58 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 00:40
- From: Steve Holmes
- To: Jason Gillman
- Subj: Re: Lithos?
- Previous Reply is Message #19.
- Right before you see that symbol that transports you back to the beginning is
- the long hall way. If you look carefully, there are two passages going west
- along the long hallway. In the one further to the south you will find a
- chest with a lot of potions in it, make sure you move them around so you can
- find the key hidden underneath them.
- Message #59 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 00:42
- From: Steve Holmes
- To: Michael Hauck
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #56. Next Reply is Message #74
- The easy way around all of those lock doors is just to create a golem and
- have him open them for you.
- Message #60 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:04
- From: Andrew Riffel
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Finding door to leithos
- Next Reply is Message #96
- I have finished the path of the necromancer's and am now supposed to find
- Stone Cove. I have read your answers to other people's question's but can't
- find the door you are talking about. The room where I fell through is gone
- now and only a ghoul that doesn't move is where it used to be. I go to the
- east and then south and find a door. When I go through this door and go south
- I come to a dead end with a pit of skeletons off to the west, but no gate or
- falling stalagmites. If I go east from this door I can cross a pool of water
- and on the other side is a read gate with two orbs of electrcity on top, but
- going through this also leads to a dead end. Please help me I'm going crazy.
- This is the best of the ultima games in my opinion but i'm quickly getting
- frustrated by this problem.
- Thank You
- Andrew
- Message #61 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:10
- From: Jason Gillman
- To: Pat Dietz
- Subj: Re: Necro spells
- Previous Reply is Message #20. Next Reply is Message #141
- If you've already learned thos spells and are using the right amount and kind
- of regeants, by the by wood is a little green pile with twig-like things
- popping out, not the actual tree-byproduct. If all of the above is right,
- talk to the Sysop sounds like a install problem.
- Message #62 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 00:59
- From: Steve Holmes
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Air and Water Plot
- Next Reply is Message #97
- O.K. I thought if I ever got stuck I could just read all the messages and
- answers and squek by the tough spots, imagine my extreme shock when I read
- your message about the very bad person who uploaded the virus. I just feel
- sorry for you guys who have to kill the virus then put up with all of us
- unhappy BBS user's, well things happen you know.
- My question is this. I did the earth plot and killed K-Gor and recieved the
- blackrock tip of his, is the the stone of earth everyone is talking about? I
- then continued on to the air plot where I passed all the tests and became an
- Adept of Stratos, and asked her to give me the breath of life. She said
- Stellos knew where it was, but she wouldn't give it to me. So I talked to
- him and he said it was with her, so I went back to her, and still no luck.
- Also, how do I start the water plot, I talked to Devon, and he says nothing
- about nothing. So please help me
- Thanks,
- Steve Holmes
- Message #69 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:58
- From: Steve Holmes
- To: Rob Johnston
- Subj: Re: Fire Titan
- Previous Reply is Message #34. Next Reply is Message #79
- Could you please tell me where you got the Heart of Earth?s
- Message #70 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:50
- From: Karl Schulz
- To: Ken Atkinson
- Subj: Re: After Intering
- Previous Reply is Message #32.
- [A
- R
- Message #71 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:52
- From: Karl Schulz
- To: Brendan Lai
- Subj: Re: G-Kor's cave
- Previous Reply is Message #57. Next Reply is Message #78
- Message #72 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:55
- From: Karl Schulz
- To: Steven Burns
- Subj: Re: Double Doors
- Previous Reply is Message #35.
- Message #73 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:57
- From: Karl Schulz
- To: Sam Vertz
- Subj: Re: I'm stupid and cant get the Necromancer's dagger.
- Previous Reply is Message #36.
- Message #74 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 02:00
- From: Karl Schulz
- To: Michael Hauck
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #59. Next Reply is Message #112
- Message #75 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 01:31
- From: Jerry Ezell
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: ??????
- Hi
- I've seen other measages that pertain to the Kumash Gor quest. I'm
- stuck in the area that has the colorful rolling balls and the fence that you
- are suppost to throw a skull over to rised pedistal on the other side. How do
- you throw it over the fence I have been trying for hours and the best that i
- can do is drop it to the other side.
- Thanx
- Message #77 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 02:29
- From: Billy Lei
- To: All
- Subj: necormancers
- I was stuck in the catacomb. After I took back the stick and executioner's
- hood to Vividos, Lothian was killed. I used the Open Gate spell to open the
- entrence to the catacomb. After I get in the catacomb, I found no way to go.
- There are couple doors, but none of them can be open without a key. In fact,
- I only found one key which is for opening an empty chest!!! Could anyone help
- me to find those dead necormancers? I used the Death Speak on couple of the
- dead body, and I noticed that THEY must not those I was looking for!!! As
- well, those undead creatures were really hard to fight! Please, I really
- need help! Any help will be appreciated!!! Thank you!
- Billy
- Message #78 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 02:41
- From: Jason Hasenbuhler
- To: Brendan Lai
- Subj: Re: G-Kor's cave
- Previous Reply is Message #71.
- Use the key of the Scion...if you don't have it, talk to Vividos..
- Hope that helps..
- Jay
- Message #79 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 02:43
- From: Jason Hasenbuhler
- To: Rob Johnston
- Subj: Re: Fire Titan
- Previous Reply is Message #69. Next Reply is Message #124
- That is the way to the fire titan...oh no! Guess you'll have to start
- over...
- Just kidding...I had the same problem there. There is a switch, on
- a post to the left of that broken switch. It's really hard to see, but once
- you know where to look you'll find it. Throw the switch and use the Scion key
- on the door. The Sorceror's Enclave awaits..
- Jay
- Message #80 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 02:52
- From: Jason Hasenbuhler
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Hydros, Pyros, and miscellaneous..
- I have recently become the Sorceror Master and am now having a bit of
- trouble completing the Water quest and finding the Heart of Earth..
- I freed Hydros, got the Tear blackrock, but I don't know what to do
- next. I returned to Hydros' chamber, but she's not there anymore. What do I
- do to trap her again? That fog is getting quite annoying.
- Also I do not know if I'm supposed to destroy Pyros or not. I tried
- using the Tounge of Flames on his Pentagram, but that just started an
- unending meteor shower and turned the screen red. I don't think that was the
- proper method.
- Now I'm happily tromping through the Pit of Death, where I assume the
- key to the Covencile(SP?) of Death is located. No luck so far..
- Any help would be appreciated..
- Jay
- Message #81 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 02:58
- From: Jason Hasenbuhler
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Lockup at Stratos..
- I'm writing about this again because I assume my last message was erased..
- I've encountered the same problem with Stratos - I use the Breath
- of Air on her and then my Avatar is teleported to a strange place floating
- above the stars. Two pillars on either side adorn the area, and have faces
- engraved upon them. This would be all fine and dandy except for the fact
- that I cannot move, cannot open the diary, and cannot access my inventory,
- save games, options, or just about anything else. The mouse cursor still
- moves and can move bags around that were opened before I teleported so it is
- not a complete lockup. Also cntrl-X to exit to dos still works...
- I read the previous messages about reinstalling and therefore
- undertook the fearsome task of deleting U8 and re-running the install
- program under a bare-bones config (as per the install guide - only my CD-ROM
- driver was different from the book, as I have the CD>HD version of the game)
- I re-copied my save games after that and tried again - still locked up in
- the same manner.
- Since, at the time, I had not completed the Fire or Water Quests, I am
- assuming that I just tried to jump the event timer and it caused weird things
- to happen..
- Let me know when I should complete this quest, if possible, because
- jumping around on those floating rocks is not very fun..:)
- Thanx, Jay
- Message #82 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 06:23
- From: Brett Johnson
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Ultra Sound support?
- Next Reply is Message #102
- Hello,
- I saw the patch in the upload directory that allowed Ultima 8 to run with
- the Gavis Ultrasound, What ever happened to this? And where can I currently
- get this if I want it?
- Thank you,
- Brett Johnson
- Message #85 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 09:27
- From: Brendan Lai
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Ether Travel
- Help!! I have got the breath of air, tongue of fire, tear of ..... and
- the heart of earth. I have talked to Mythran and he told me to get the
- Ether travel spell. But he kept saying I am not prepared for the spell.
- How do I make him change his mind???
- Message #86 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 09:34
- From: Chad Stevens
- To: Jason Linefsky
- Subj: Re: necormancers cave
- Previous Reply is Message #12.
- Hey, I think I can help you. Run through the corridor with the explosions.
- Go to the left side, search the body to find a key. Go to the right side.
- Cross the chasm, climb the wall. Follow the wall around until you can jump
- to a raised platform standing by itself. You will be teleported the next
- cite.
- Message #87 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 11:20
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Todd Dick
- Subj: Re: Hydros+
- Previous Reply is Message #39.
- Hey Todd,
- >TD I was the Master of the sorcerers and then freed Devon and he
- >TD told me that the sorcerers would help me recapture Hydros. I was told
- >TD that in order for them to help I had to free Devon before I met the
- >TD sorcerers, so I went back to a previous save game. When I talked to
- >TD the sorcerers they said nothing about capturing Hydros. Please tell
- >TD me exactly what I must do in either save game (in the later save I
- >TD have the Tear and the Tongue).
- >TD I also want to know how to learn the spell Quakes. I found the
- >TD scroll but it says I need to hear the spell from Lothian's lips.
- >TD Thanks,
- If you have done air, then you went to the Fire plot before you have done
- the Water plot and that is why they keep telling you to capture Hydros. If
- you have done the water plot then you just need to speek with Mythran and
- learn the Etherial travel spell from him. And continue from there.
- >TD P.S.-Do you know if there is another way to get the reagents bat
- >TD wing, dragon blood, serpent scale, and eye of newt beside buying
- >TD them from Mythran(they are expensive)?
- The only way to get these is to buy them from Mythran.
- >TD P.P.S.- Where is Kilandra's daughter?
- In the west portion of the graveyard.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #92 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 11:49
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: John Parmley
- Subj: Re: necromancer fun
- Previous Reply is Message #49. Next Reply is Message #114
- Hey John,
- >JP I'mI I hope you can help me. It is hard to know if I am on the right
- >JP track after reading everyone's messages. I talked to the last
- >JP necromancer, went to stone cove, through the double doors and got as
- >JP far as the blue light/mushroom area. I got through the next door and
- >JP can go either north or south to pools of water with floating rocks.
- >JP I really hate those things. Where do I go from there. Do I cross
- >JP the north pool or the south pool or neither (Don't I wish).
- >JP DOn't get me wrong, this is a great game but some of the arcade type
- >JP aspects are kind of a pain in the butt. Especially when it takes so
- >JP long (on my machine anyway) to load or save a game. Thanks in
- >JP advance for the help
- You will need to go through the center doors in Stone Cove, using the create
- golem spell. Then head east and flip the lever to make a bridge across a
- chasm. Go back to the west and head north across the bridge. Follow this
- and jump across the dissapearing pads. You will come to a gate you can't
- get through, go east to the end of the passageway, there will be a chest
- here containing the key to the gate. Go back to the gate and go through it.
- You will come to a passage way that will take you east or west, go west and
- south into the room with the stones you have to jump across, jump across them
- and get the key off of the island. Exit this room back to the passage way
- east, go east and walk around the outside edge of the water to the otherside.
- Head east passing a VERY thin passageway to the north, then at the next
- thin passageway to the north go north. Follow this around and jump over the
- water, you will now be at a locked door. Use the key you found on the
- island on the locked door. Go through the locked door and follow the
- passageway. Watch out here, there will be alot of falling stalagtites. Go
- around another pool of water. and head up the eastern passage way, DO NOT
- eastern passage way is where you will find Lithos.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #94 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 11:53
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Eric Levin
- Subj: Re: Mythran
- Previous Reply is Message #52.
- Hey Eric,
- >EL How come when I buy reagents from Mythran they keep disappearing???
- >EL How do you cast the Thaumaturgical spells?
- >EL
- If your bag is full, he will sell them to you, but they will dissappear.
- Make sure you have enough weight left to hold them.
- Layterz,
- Jerm..
- Message #96 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 12:07
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Andrew Riffel
- Subj: Re: Finding door to leithos
- Previous Reply is Message #60.
- Hey Andrew,
- >AR I have finished the path of the necromancer's and am now supposed to
- >AR find Stone Cove. I have read your answers to other people's
- >AR question's but can't find the door you are talking about. The room
- >AR where I fell through is gone now and only a ghoul that doesn't move
- >AR is where it used to be. I go to the east and then south and find a
- >AR door. When I go through this door and go south I come to a dead end
- >AR with a pit of skeletons off to the west, but no gate or falling
- >AR stalagmites. If I go east from this door I can cross a pool of water
- >AR and on the other side is a read gate with two orbs of electrcity on
- >AR top, but going through this also leads to a dead end. Please help me
- >AR I'm going crazy. This is the best of the ultima games in my opinion
- >AR but i'm quickly getting frustrated by this problem.
- >AR
- You go into the UPPER CATACOMBS. And go to the area where you fell through
- to meet the Necromancers. It is not important whether the ghoul is moving or
- not, as long as that is the building you fell through. FROM THIS BUILDING
- head east until you can't go east any longer. Then head south, you will see
- puddles on the the floor here, and then continue to follow this around to a
- door and a bunch of skeletons. Go through the door and take an IMMEDIATE
- turn to the south, keep going down this passage way south until you can go
- no further there will be a gate and falling stalagtites here. If you really
- need more help I am putting a map of this area in the User Files area for
- people to download.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #97 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 12:14
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Steve Holmes
- Subj: Re: Air and Water Plot
- Previous Reply is Message #62.
- Hey Steve,
- >SH O.K. I thought if I ever got stuck I could just read all the messages
- >SH and answers and squek by the tough spots, imagine my extreme shock
- >SH when I read your message about the very bad person who uploaded the
- >SH virus. I just feel sorry for you guys who have to kill the virus
- >SH then put up with all of us unhappy BBS user's, well things happen you
- >SH know.
- >SH
- >SH My question is this. I did the earth plot and killed K-Gor and
- >SH recieved the blackrock tip of his, is the the stone of earth everyone
- >SH is talking about? I then continued on to the air plot where I
- >SH passed all the tests and became an Adept of Stratos, and asked her to
- >SH give me the breath of life. She said Stellos knew where it was, but
- >SH she wouldn't give it to me. So I talked to him and he said it was
- >SH with her, so I went back to her, and still no luck. Also, how do I
- >SH start the water plot, I talked to Devon, and he says nothing about
- >SH nothing. So please help me
- Depending on what you have done the Titans may not give you what you want.
- Your best bet is to do the Water and Fire Plots and come back for the Breath
- of Wind and other things you are suppose to collect. You will need them for
- the end, but you don't need them right now anyway. The water plot starts at
- Carthax Lake which is just to the east of the entrance to Stone Cove in the
- Upper Catacombs. There will be two metal doors that go up and down as you
- flip the levers, if you look really close on the wall there will be a second
- lever that will open up the wooden plank beside the metal doors. Go through
- there and bingo you are to where the water plot begins.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #102 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 12:36
- From: Dan Orzulak
- To: Brett Johnson
- Subj: Re: Ultra Sound support?
- Previous Reply is Message #82.
- Hey Brett,
- >BJ I saw the patch in the upload directory that allowed Ultima 8 to run
- >BJ with the Gavis Ultrasound, What ever happened to this? And where can
- >BJ I currently get this if I want it?
- >BJ
- I deleted it, because we do not support the GUS in any way with U8 and to
- have the patch up may cause confusion as to whether we support it or not. I
- suggest leaving a public message to all asking who it was that uploaded it,
- maybe they can tell you where to get it from.
- Layterz,
- Jerm...
- Message #106 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 12:59
- From: Kelly Roberts
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: how come?
- if this bbs has 4 nodes how come every time i call, 1st its busy for 15 min.
- then as soon as i log on i check to see who's on-line and its just 'lil 'ol
- me and no one else. this confuses me greatly as i would like to chat with
- others.
- Message #107 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 13:02
- From: Kelly Roberts
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: ?time best 2 chat
- what is the best time to call and expect to find the sysop on-line also
- ive chated twice this way and it seems to be the best way learn about the
- games and minimize confusion
- Message #108 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 13:05
- From: Kelly Roberts
- To: All
- Subj: maps!!!
- who's is going to be the first to draw an ansi map of Tenebrea and the
- catacombs and whatever else i haven't discovered, then upload it!!!
- be sure to put it in EPS form ( ask someone if you don't know what it
- means)
- Message #109 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 12:31
- From: Bob Greenfield
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: MAP!!
- Please put up that map of the catacombs in the files!
- i am on the "pilgramage" quest and i cannot find any building marked "twards
- fate do you travel" or anything like that! Even a general location (such as
- in northeast section) would help! I am trying to find the grave to cast
- open ground on! This quest is poorly done if you ask me....the necromancer
- tells me to go to the pit of death! Yet the messages you write say that i
- must go to the upper catacombs! What's the deal? And i agree with whoever
- said he can never get through....i get a busy signal 99% of the time and
- when i finally DO get through, it usually freezes and i dont get any
- connection messages....however, since the virus it does seem a little
- better....
- Message #110 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 13:08
- From: Kelly Roberts
- To: All
- Subj: stone cove
- ive been wandering around and calling here and wandering around some more,
- but i haven't this stone cove. does anyone have directions?
- 2. does anyone know where the skull of quakes is
- 3. how do i get into the 'towards fate do you travel' room
- if you say 'golem' then where is the mud that i invoke him from?
- Message #112 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:13
- From: Jennie Hazen
- To: Michael Hauck
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #74. Next Reply is Message #113
- Hi Micheal,
- I'm stuck trying to find this skeleton where you cast Open Earth. I have
- the Key of the Scion, and I've opened the door of Fate in the Catacombs.
- I know where the chest is and I've explored the caves, gotten the Skull
- of Quakes etc. Can you help me?
- Thanks,
- Jennie
- Message #113 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:23
- From: Jennie Hazen
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #112. Next Reply is Message #115
- >DO Use the key Scion to open this door and then enter. Go down stairs
- >DO and west across the lava until the passage turns north. At this
- >DO location there is a dead body with a book that talks about Zealans
- >DO and their Ceremonial Shield. Go north, through the door and continue
- >DO in the that direction PAST some rolling spike balls, and a
- >DO double-door on the WEST wall. Then head EAST, follow it in that
- >DO direction until the passage breaks off into a Three way split. Go
- >DO west, the way you came from, North to a fenced in area, and East to a
- >DO square room with a locked door on the North wall, and five levers
- >DO with a chest in the center.
- >DO If you need further help, let me know.
- Hi Jerm,
- I've gotten this far and explored beyond the locked doors with the
- key I found in the chest; but am clueless where to go next. I've
- found the skull of quakes, but no statues or other things of interest.
- There is a ledge it looks like I should be able to climb on at the
- end of a N/S tunnel with a spiked ball, but I can't seem to do it.
- What do I do now?
- Thanks,
- Jennie
- BTW: Sorry about your virus problem, that's a nasty thing to do.
- Message #114 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:26
- From: Jennie Hazen
- To: John Parmley
- Subj: Re: necromancer fun
- Previous Reply is Message #92.
- >JP far as the blue light/mushroom area. I got through the next door and
- >JP can go either north or south to pools of water with floating rocks.
- >JP I really hate those things. Where do I go from there. Do I cross
- >JP the north pool or the south pool or neither (Don't I wish).
- >JP DOn't get me wrong, this is a great game but some of the arcade type
- >JP aspects are kind of a pain in the butt. Especially when it takes so
- >JP long (on my machine anyway) to load or save a game. Thanks in
- >JP advance for the help
- I agree heartily with your sentiments. I believe you want the Northern
- pools. I have to save each step that is stable in these arcade sequences
- and I hate it! I do like the new climb feature a lot though. Also I
- think we should be able to learn to swim. Maybe that comes later.
- Hope this helps,
- Jennie
- Message #115 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:30
- From: Jennie Hazen
- To: Michael Hauck
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #113. Next Reply is Message #139
- >MH where you left off in your message. The "rolling spheres" I am
- >MH talking about are the little red, green, and blue ones that are past
- >MH the fence puzzle area, which is right before the five levers. My
- >MH present location is the area around the cerimonial shield. I have
- Aha! I've explored the fence maze, but found no little rolling spheres
- room or levers or doors or shields--Can you tell me how to get there from
- the other side of the fence maze. Perhaps I can't find it because I cheated
- and climbed on the table rather than figure out the maze?
- Thanks,
- Jennies
- Message #116 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:40
- From: Jennie Hazen
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Trouble connecting
- Hi Dan or Jerm,
- You don't need to reply to this, but I have a lot of busy signals before
- I can get in, and then my modem often freezes after I call (Supra 14.4).
- The only line which doesn't freeze is the 12000 line. I don't know why
- since I don't have this problem with any other BBS's. Busy signals are
- easy, you simply need another line or two; the other is a tad baffling.
- Bye for now,
- Jennie
- Message #117 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:07
- From: Darryl Brown
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Sticks
- Next Reply is Message #153
- I know I just started playing Ultima 8... but I'm stuck.
- I can't find the proper stick to give the Necromancer with the
- executioner's hood. I have the hoods, and a bunch of sticks from the plain,
- but I can't find one stick in the west... could you please give me specific
- directions on how to get to it? Thanks
- Message #119 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:50
- From: Kelly Roberts
- To: All
- Subj: stone cove
- Next Reply is Message #152
- im looking for the stone cove. people keep telling me i shouls go to place
- with no roof and fall through the ground like i did the first time to get to
- the necros. but i cant find it i walked out of the cats. through the
- entrance i opened with 'open ground'. then came back to make sure i didnt
- miss anything. when i first walk in, towards the south, there is a piece of
- floor that fell through and there is dirt underneath, instead of lava, but
- it doesn't do me any good. if you know where this room with no roof is, i
- would appreciate some help. feel free to use land marks like "kaylith the
- treasurer" "towards fate do you travel" "lower catacombs" "4 skeletons lined
- up on a wall" "4 skeletons facing 4 directions" what am i missing!
- Message #120 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:38
- From: Brian Reinhardt
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: u8 pagan help
- Next Reply is Message #151
- I'm having a problem finding the sticks that i need for a spell compnent to
- learn the first necromatic spell i've searched the area south west of the
- city thourghly, especially the sunken area with the ghost and ghouls. what
- am i missing?
- Message #122 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 14:58
- From: Carter Keller
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: The Breath Lockup
- I also have had problems with the breath of air. The game works perfectly up
- to that point but once I use the Breath of air on Stratos The game freezes
- when I get transported. I thought I installed with a bare bones boot disk
- but just in case I reinstalled and used the save games --- same result. I
- think I posted a letter the day before the virus wiped everything out and it
- seemed like there were about 10 other messages regarding the same problem.
- I have a gateway2K pentium which has givin me problems with other programs
- before, but how could it be fixed? could it be a bug? Mabye a patch file to
- fix it? Thanks Dan and I'm sorry about the virus.
- Message #123 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 15:45
- From: Bret Taylor
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Money
- Next Reply is Message #150
- I just got this program and haven't been able to figure out how to get money
- to buy weapons? Can you help? Also I love these games. My first game ever
- on an old Apple computer way back when was Ultima 1. I don't miss a thing
- you put out!! Bret
- q
- Message #124 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 15:14
- From: Rob Johnston
- To: Jason Hasenbuhler
- Subj: Re: Fire Titan
- Previous Reply is Message #79. Next Reply is Message #125
- >JH That is the way to the fire titan...oh no! Guess you'll have to
- >JH start over...
- >JH
- >JH Just kidding...I had the same problem there. There is a
- >JH switch, on a post to the left of that broken switch. It's really hard
- >JH to see, but once you know where to look you'll find it. Throw the
- >JH switch and use the Scion key on the door. The Sorceror's Enclave
- >JH awaits..
- >JH
- >JH Jay
- >JH
- Ah.. Funny guy! Hehe thanks guy... Really appreciate it... I have been
- looking forever... Took to searching the Pit of Death :) THANK YOU! :)
- RJ
- Message #125 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 15:16
- From: Rob Johnston
- To: Steve Holmes
- Subj: Re: Fire Titan
- Previous Reply is Message #124. Next Reply is Message #131
- >SH Could you please tell me where you got the Heart of Earth?s
- >SH
- Sure... you ahve to go to the place where you opened the double doors to
- talk to the Lithos... theres a door to the east of it blocking a cave (it
- looks like it goes nowhere).. use the key of scion on it and go in there...
- you have to look around and get the key from the pit of death and enter the
- place where there are big double doors locked... theres a grave and lots of
- skeletong... cast open earth near the grave and the heart pof earth is
- sitting in the hole... lates!
- Message #126 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 16:13
- From: Tim Rouse
- To: All
- Subj: Hydros
- Next Reply is Message #147
- Talk about frustrating. Every message about Hydros I've seen tells how the
- sender has already found and/or released Hydros. I sent a message before
- the messages crashed asking for help on this, so if anyone helped me,
- thanks, but Now I have to ask again :
- I have completed the Necromancer/Lithos quests, I have the Heart of Earth,
- I am a theurgist, and I have the Breath of Air. I have help Devon get the
- throne in Tenebrae. Now what? I have looked everywhere (well, not
- everywhere; had I looked everywhere, I would have found her.). If anyone
- can help, believe me, I will GREATLY appreciate it.
- Message #127 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 16:29
- From: [1 1r
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: can't find lithos
- Next Reply is Message #146
- I have finished with the Necromancers, and am looking for the area that
- contains lithos. I have searched high and low in the catacombs and can't even
- find the entrance to Stone Cover. I've found the Pits of Death.. the door to
- the lower catacombs, the door that says To Your Fate You GO. Where is the
- area that will (finally) lead me to Stone Cove and Lithos?? Thanks, Sandi
- Message #128 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 16:33
- From: Kelly Roberts
- To: All
- Subj: i made the golem
- ok i made the golem and got him to open the double doors and the single one
- next to it.
- 1. is there anything else important in this area that i should know about
- before i go through these doors?
- 2. when am i gonna use 'resist death'
- 3. through the double doors there is a building w/ 2 statues of dragons two
- winches a torture chair and two floor levers. ...??...
- 4. if i remember correctly through the single door is the coventicle of the
- dead.
- ..
- which way do i go, and are there any points of interest i have missed
- Message #131 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 17:36
- From: Rob Johnston
- To: Jason Hasenbuhler
- Subj: Re: Fire Titan
- Previous Reply is Message #125. Next Reply is Message #144
- Uhh are you sure you and I are talking of the same spot? I just went and
- checked... OK! Heres EXACTLY where I am. If you teleport to Carthax Lake,
- go through the cave onj the screen when you teleport, and go NorthEast, you
- come to that light-lazer that goes back to the ghost... I went to the SECOND
- light-lazer that guards a passage to the east (its right south of the other
- one).. in there, theres this place with a pit of skeletons and bones and
- stuff, and south of that is a door blocked by the wall with two metal plates
- in front of it... i pulled that lever, one went up, the other down, and it
- broke... I searched all around that lever and STILL dont see a switch.. am i
- in the wrong spot or am i blind? :) Also... how do you get devion to
- give you the tear of seas? Thanks!
- Message #132 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 18:25
- From: Bernard Lin
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Ultima8-Pilgrimage
- Hi sysop,
- I really need help now. Vividos told me to go to Morein's
- birthplace. I know that I should go into the door with the "Fate" thing,
- then I entered the large double door with "Do not enter" then I finished the
- Zealan Quest, but I still haven't found what I'm supposed to find on the
- pilgrimage quest yet. Is there really a birthplace? What should I do in
- order to get Vividos to tell me other stuff other than "you should go on a
- pilgrimage?" Also, what should I do after the Necromancer quest, can you
- just give me a start?
- Oh, another question. I have a 486DX-66 computer with 8megs of
- RAM, Local Bus, etc... and a Sound Blaster Pro music card. When I first go
- the game, the game speed was quite fast, but after I met Lithos, the speed
- started draggin a bit. I tried turning off speed limit, animations, etc.
- but nothing works. Do you have any idea on what I should do?
- Finally, why is it that when I call at night(around 10:00 Pacific
- time) that the phone just keeps on ringing on and on and on......like the
- energizer bunny? Are you guys open 24hrs a day or do you turn off the
- computer? Thanks for answering all these questions. Bye!
- Bernie Lin
- Message #136 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 20:00
- From: Steven Burns
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Help in Stone Cove/To Lithos
- Next Reply is Message #143
- Hi, I usually don't write directly to the sysops, BUT!?.
- I have just gone to Stone Cove, past the disappearing bridge and I am now
- on the small alcove with the Golem (What a pain he is). Well, I have been
- trying to get across this chasm with the disappearing/reappearing floating
- block for days and I cannot seem to get across (I have probably resumed my
- saved game about 30-40 times already. I really love the game, but how do I
- get across this chasm.
- I know this may seem rude, but please don't say to practice until I get it
- right.
- Any help would be graetly appreciated.
- PS. Is there any way to get "AKLABETH". I have EVERY ULTIMA game except
- this one. I know it was the prototype to Ultima 1 that Richard Garriot
- wrote. If not, that's ok, but it never hurts to ask.
- Steven Burns
- Message #138 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 19:45
- From: Dan Crookston
- To: All
- Subj: 5 question test
- I was trring to take the test given to me by the healers. Can someone help me
- with the answers. Like where to sit on a cool evening, and joinging the
- war, and what to tell your dying lord.
- Thanks,
- Dan
- Message #139 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 21:13
- From: Michael Hauck
- To: Jennie Hazen
- Subj: Re: stuck on pilgrimage
- Previous Reply is Message #115.
- Hey Jennie,
- >JH Aha! I've explored the fence maze, but found no little rolling
- >JH spheres
- >JH room or levers or doors or shields--Can you tell me how to get there
- >JH from
- >JH the other side of the fence maze. Perhaps I can't find it because I
- >JH cheated
- >JH and climbed on the table rather than figure out the maze?
- >JH
- >JH Thanks,
- >JH
- >JH Jennies
- Once you get past the fence puzzle, go left and around the corner.
- At the end of the hall is a ledge you must climb up. Right after that is a
- pool you must jump over. From there take the first right and there will be
- a grave with the reagents for an open ground spell. Cast it on the grave.
- Go down the hole and explore. There are several locked doors that I opened
- using a create golem spell. , I don't know if there are keys for them.
- Also, the room with the levers is down the hall from the fence puzzle room.
- The shield is accessed by another locked door that I had a golem open. That
- door is the first locked one after the big double doors which open up the
- area.
- I hope that helps.
- Michael
- Message #140 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 21:26
- From: Audrey Peters
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: stack error
- I got an error saying "Out of ring zero stacks I=0D A=02E0"
- What is wrong?
- Audrey Peters
- Message #141 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 21:08
- From: Devon Jorlett
- To: Pat Dietz
- Subj: Re: Necro spells
- Previous Reply is Message #61.
- to cast spells you put the reagents in a seperate bag then use the caretakers
- key on it. the spells that you will learn are mask of death, stone flesh,
- earthquake, call undead, etearnal peace, open earth, call golem.`
- Message #143 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:01
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Steven Burns
- Subj: Re: Help in Stone Cove/To Lithos
- Previous Reply is Message #136.
- The method that worked the best for me was to set yourself up where you can
- use standing jumps to get across the couple of platforms until you get to
- solid ground. By this I mean put yourself in a position where all you have
- to do is jump, jump, jump and land on solid ground (and then save). Don't
- try to realign yourself on the disappearing platforms because you won't have
- time. Also begin jumping when you first see the platform appear. It will
- take you a second to begin and execute your jump and you can land on a
- platform that isn't fully formed. This will give you a few extra seconds to
- get across. Hope that helps.
- Message #144 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:06
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Rob Johnston
- Subj: Re: Fire Titan
- Previous Reply is Message #131.
- I only know the answer to your first question. Close to the large lever
- that lowers and raises alternate doors there is a post that is the same
- color as the wall (I think red) and on it is a small switch. It is very
- hard to see. It will open a secret door in the wooden part of the wall and
- not the metal raising/lowering doors. The post I am talking about is west of
- the metal gates and just a little north. It looks like a disconnected
- portion of the wall. I hope that helps.
- Message #145 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 23:01
- From: Jason Gillman
- To: All
- Subj: Pilgrimage or K-gor...
- Two things, one is a question, the other help. the question is this: on the
- pilgrimage, when you're looking for K-gor, I've crossed the water and passed
- through the grave, then wandered around for a bit, got the skull of quakes,
- and now I'm stuck in front of three pressure plates that control stair-like
- things, what do I need to do here, I can see two pale, smoky beams of light,
- but can't get up there, what am I missing?
- 2nd part: as far as the colored "rolling balls" (NOT the spiky ones) just
- grab the skull that's lying on the floor, toss it over the fence, onto the
- platform/fencepost, type thing, and the gate opens...good luck.
- Message #146 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:14
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: [1 1r
- Subj: Re: can't find lithos
- Previous Reply is Message #127.
- The minute you walk through the door from the Upper catacombs into the cave,
- that is stone cove. Go south through stone cove, I don't think you have to
- go through any doors (locked or otherwise). You should end up in a huge
- room after going through a cave entrance. Just east of this entrance are two
- sets of doors, one tower doors (the big ones) and a regular door. (Just south
- of this area is the Deceiver, an axe if I remember right, you have to jump
- across the water on the little toadstools of rock and it is sitting on an
- altar guarded by a skeleton.) You should have the key to the tower doors
- and through there is lithos, way through there. Hope that helps.
- Message #147 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:25
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Tim Rouse
- Subj: Re: Hydros
- Previous Reply is Message #126. Next Reply is Message #148
- Have you been to the large dried up lake in Stone cove? (I forget the name
- of the lake but there are fish bones everywhere.) If you have, walk around
- the south side of the lake from the entrance to this area and head east
- hugging the edge of the lake. You will see a bridge heading north, walk out
- on it and jump to the next set of bridges and head north again. Just on the
- other side of the bridges is a small island, just north of there you will see
- a white bridge or platform heading west. This white bridge leads out onto a
- small landing with a shark? insignia on the floor. As you walk out there
- hydros appears.
- -------
- If you haven't found this lake, it is in stone cove south of the original
- entrance. I think that it is the entrance after the one to Argentrock Isle
- as you are heading south. It is through a locked door that requires the
- scion key. Sorry my directions aren't more detailed, I know it is in stone
- cove, but I found it by wandering around and just happened upon it. Also
- just east of the entrance to this area is a teleport platform that you can
- activate with the recall item gem. Hope that helps.
- Message #148 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN" (RECEIVED)
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:27
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Tim Rouse
- Subj: Re: Hydros
- Previous Reply is Message #147. Next Reply is Message #158
- Back again. The name of the lake is Carthax lake.
- Message #150 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:36
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Bret Taylor
- Subj: Re: Money
- Previous Reply is Message #123.
- Go east out of the city and look for a small house that has a chest? inside
- on the far east wall. As you approach the chest, you fall through hole in
- the floor. There is a ogre there waiting for you, head west and read the
- book on the pedestal. You have to continue the quest because you can't get
- back out. (At least there's no way I know of.) At the end of this quest you
- will get the Slayer mace, your first magic weapon. Very cool, every time
- you kill something with it lightning strikes and you hear a loud thunder
- clap. There is a place, I believe that it is under where you get the
- Slayer, that teleports you back outside the city. As for money, you can
- steal it as long as no one is in the screen at the time, kill monsters but
- if you don't have money to buy weapons you probably can't do that very well,
- or if you try hard enough you can steal weapons from the weaponsmith that
- sells them (along with some armor). Hope that helps.
- Message #151 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:43
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Brian Reinhardt
- Subj: Re: u8 pagan help
- Previous Reply is Message #120.
- IF you mean the sticks that are near "where the spirits roam" (or something
- like that) there is an abandoned house inside Tenebrae's walls, I think in
- the north part of town. You walk north then follow a path that heads east
- and there will be a dirt trail that leads north. Follow the dirt trail and
- you will end up at the abandoned house. There is a ghost and some ghouls
- there. On the south side of the house in the corner is a dead tree with
- some sticks scattered around. Those are the sticks you need. If you are
- talking about the reagent wood, that is something different. That looks
- like a little pile of grass with some red spots (not much like wood, huh?).
- If you click on these piles it should identify them as piles of wood. Hope
- that helps.
- Message #152 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:48
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Kelly Roberts
- Subj: Re: stone cove
- Previous Reply is Message #119.
- From the "towards fate" door you have to travel east and south. It is about
- as far as you can travel east. You may have to north some to get further
- east. After you are way east start heading south. If you pass the big
- ledge that look like it leads to the cave wall you are almost there, head
- further south. There is a short passage east that leads to a door that
- enters a cave. That is stone cove. Hope that helps.
- Message #153 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:50
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Darryl Brown
- Subj: Re: Sticks
- Previous Reply is Message #117.
- Read message #151.
- Message #154 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 14-Apr-94 22:53
- From: Jeff Crowley
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: Convent of dead
- How do I get into the Conventicle of the dead? What is inside? I have
- tried to use the create golem spell to open doors but it doesn't work. What
- do I point the crosshairs at, the door or what?
- Message #155 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 15-Apr-94 00:21
- From: Chris Kauth
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: ultima8 water cave
- i just started playing ultima 8 and i'm not too familar with how to use this
- bbs system. I'm stuck at the lever area that opens the gates to the first
- necromancer, does anyone know what combination will open the gates ? thanks.
- Message #156 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 15-Apr-94 00:05
- From: Scott Mcgillivray
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: KEY
- I am stuck (again!). I am in the room with the three statues. They tell me
- to go through the door behind them, but I cannot find a key for the life of
- me. I realize that I cannot raise a golem to open it for me because there is
- no dirt there and he will not walk through doors. Please help me so I can
- finish my pilgramage (sp?) Also, is it possible to download all the
- messages from a particular section (ie. Ultima 8) for viewing without
- spending a mint on long idstance charges?
- Message #158 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 15-Apr-94 01:51
- From: Tim Rouse
- To: Jeff Crowley
- Subj: Re: Hydros
- Previous Reply is Message #148.
- Thanks. I have now spoken with Hydros. She told me to open the grave of
- someone's lover. Where is this grave? Is it in the catacombs, or the
- graveyard. If it has a gravestone, what name should I look for? I saw a
- message earlier the Sysop left someone, telling the Kilandra's daughter's
- grave was in the west part of the cemetary. I can find it, but Open Ground
- has no effect on it. What do I do? Anyway, thanks for your help earlier.
- Message #159 "ULTIMA 8: PAGAN"
- Date: 15-Apr-94 07:47
- From: Mark Davis
- To: Dan Orzulak
- Subj: spells casting soccerrs
- I,m trying to cast my first spell creat flame and nothing happens when i
- double click on the pentgram. I know i have the correct reagents and
- candles. I have cast spells in the library but when i do the test with Bane
- nothing happens. It does not say something is wrong like when I did the
- spells in the library and i didn't have things correct. Is she doing
- something to prevent me from casting. My intell. is at 17 does it need to be
- higher. Please let me know. Thanks Mark Davis.
- End of messages